When facing a situation like a hurricane or power outage, choosing the right generator is crucial to ensure that you can power essential appliances like an AC unit, cell phone chargers, and a lamp while being considerate of noise levels and potential damage to sensitive electronics. Here’s a guide to help you decide between a standard and an inverter generator based on your needs.

Understanding Your Power Needs

For your situation, you need a generator that can handle:

  • 1300 watt portable AC unit
  • Cell phone chargers
  • A lamp

This totals approximately 1500-2000 watts, so you’ll want a generator that can comfortably support this load, including any startup surges from the AC unit.


  • Higher Power Output: Standard generators typically offer more wattage for less cost. For example, a 4000-watt standard generator can easily handle your needs and more.
  • Larger Gasoline Tanks: This often means longer run times between refueling.


  • Noise: Standard generators can be quite loud, with noise levels often exceeding 70 decibels. This could be disruptive to neighbors and may not be suitable for a townhome setting.
  • Sensitive Electronics: Standard generators produce “dirty” power, which can potentially damage sensitive electronics like cell phones or laptops if not properly managed.


  • Quiet Operation: Inverter generators are known for their quieter operation, often producing noise levels significantly lower than standard generators. This can be crucial in a residential area where noise might be a concern.
  • Clean Power: They produce a stable and clean power output that is safe for sensitive electronics. This is important for ensuring that your cell phone chargers and other devices are not damaged.
  • Efficiency: Inverter generators are generally more fuel-efficient and can adjust their output based on the load, which may extend the time between refueling.


  • Higher Cost: Inverter generators are typically more expensive than standard generators. However, this cost can be justified by the quieter operation and cleaner power output.
  • Lower Power Output: They might offer less total wattage compared to standard generators, so it’s essential to choose one with sufficient capacity for your needs. A 2000-2500 watt inverter generator should cover your requirements.

Recommended Options

  1. Inverter Generator: A model around 2000-2500 watts from reputable brands like Generac is a strong choice. These generators offer quiet operation and clean power, which is crucial for your sensitive electronics and neighborhood consideration.
  2. Standard Generator: If you prioritize power and cost over noise and power quality, a standard generator like the Mech Marvels 4000-watt could work. However, be prepared for the noise and potential impact on sensitive devices.

Final Tips

  • Check Local Regulations: Ensure that your community allows the use of generators and that you follow any specific rules or guidelines.
  • Noise Considerations: If noise is a significant concern, especially with neighbors, investing in a quieter inverter generator is a worthwhile consideration.

By choosing the right type of generator, you can ensure that you meet your power needs efficiently while maintaining a peaceful environment for yourself and your neighbors.